Building a Japanese mechanical split keyboard Pt.3

It seems like this keyboard has a million little LEDs! No matter, in this chill stream I got them all soldered on and after replacing a LED or two, all of them seem to light up!

This was streamed on Twitch on Dec 28, 2020.

Special thanks to Jesse Vincent of Keyboardio for loaning the Corne Chocolate and sending the Keyboardio Atreus!

00:00:00 Stream Starts
Hello hello, happy monday everyone!
Scotty interacts with chat a little, welcoming people into the stream
We’ve been so focussed on the robot lately that we haven’t been building the keyboard.
Scotty is so excited he’s hitting the table, something he’s been told not to do, specifically during podcasts.
He intended to stream and do some recording today but after falling down a rabbit hole he lost a lot of time so he only has a little while.
Robot will stay switched off today.
He DID get some parts for the robot which he wants to show off.
Expect the robot to be turned on tomorrow!

00:03:14 Show&Tell Robot parts
Scotty shows us some parts he received in the mail for the robot.
A small Bluetooth speaker to replace the temporary setup.
A small USB microphone to replace the recorder he was temporarily using.
He’ll probably add the parts off-stream.
Scotty again jokes about making a chat controlled robot vacuum as the first robot is well received.
Scotty alludes to giving the robot it’s own Twitch channel and controlling it directly from Twitch rather than
If anyone knows how to program overlays to do this, contact Scotty in Discord!
He’s specific in not having text commands, he’d like an overlay extension.
chat tips Scotty to check out Twitch Control

00:07:27 Keyboardio Atreus
Robolathe segways Scotty off of Robot talk into keyboards by asking about the Keyboardio Artreus in chat.
Scotty has an Artreus on his desk.
Chat, still obsessed with the robot, is circling back to the robot and twitch chat bots, Scotty clarifies saying overlay extension, not chatbot.
Scotty goes through some channel point rewards he is unable to fulfil as the robot is offline and Ambrose is not in the shop.
Forest Chicken has been sighted so no Ambrose. 🙁

00:11:37 Let’s do some keyboard stuff!
Scotty has completed LED soldering on one half of the keyboard he’s working on, follow with the build guide here
Setting up his workspace to solder some more LEDs, Scotty explains he’s changing his desk setup.
He’s moved some stuff away but has an idea to modify his laptop strand to be height adjustable.
And, Scotty has 60/40 solder and rosen flux that hopefully won’t be so toxic!
Scotty then sets up the microscope and top down view to give chat a good look at the soldering.
Once setup, Scotty grabs his tweezers (Rhino SW-11 Tweezers) and the LED strip and talks chat through next steps (check build guide!)
Some minor stream shenanigans happen with the microscope camera switcher

00:19:12 Soldering LEDs
Still minor camera issues but nothing too bad, the switcher needs a recalibration.
The new solder looks better and Scotty makes quick work of soldering the first couple of LEDs before turning down soldering iron heat. (280C)
Scotty holds a dialogue with chat about pronouns and how to handle them.
they/them is deemed acceptable.
While Scotty continues to solder LEDs, the talk morphs towards being PC and why.
He turns down the soldering iron a little more as the solder seems to flow better.
Checking his work intermittently, LEDs look ok in steps.
The discussion moves to diversity and how when applied correctly it can be very beneficial, this then moves into interviewing techniques and whiteboard interviews.
LEDs still test ok on intermittent checking.
interviewing discussion takes another turn and moves on to experience and how to show it, either through Github or LinkedIn or how to approach not being able to speak about your past experience (Due to NDAs or anything else)
This goes to recruiters.
On the final test, Scotty notices the last 2 LEDs aren’t working!
He checks the solder but seems that’s not the problem. Instead he replaces one LED that appears to work but may have fried the signal out line.

00:55:40 Winding down, Raiding Barnacules
Scotty starts tidies his workspace he explains he’d like to shoot some videos and wants to stream, he hopes to combine the two tomorrow.
He checks in with Barnacules and raids them.

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